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AP1: Stephen Burke

Stephen Burke - sculpture and painting based artist - explores urban aesthetic and graffiti.

Work is able to bridge the gap between urban streets and the gallery setting - bringing objects from the outside in ... explores idea of low art - questions the value within art

In a similar way I also want to be challenging viewers perception of value and what objects are deemed art.

Hi work is describes as a kind of 'urban decay voyeurism' - idea of the artists eye - what the artist sees - taking from the aesthetics of the urban environment. His use of very structural materials further bridges a connection between his artist process and that of architecture.

Jack of all Trades, Spray paint, emulsion, detritus, chewing gum and anti graffiti spray on perspex on road traffic barrier. 215 x 100 x 50cm, 2021.

The artist explores material residue - surface textures. The use of graffiti removal processes creates a disappearing image - causes viewer to question if this is a found or fabricated object. Also gives timely element - where an image used to be there but is no longer. The pieces are also very painterly and can be explored within the history of painting - the colours and forms almost reminiscent of expressionism.

Writers Bench, Mixed media assemblage, 2018, 190 x 50 x 50cm, 2018

based of the aesthetic of subway systems like that of New York - very urban and dirty aesthetic - immediately recognisable. Appears quite out of place within the gallery setting. Interesting play with materials - steel sheets with layers of rust - bend metal - tiling in different colours. It is also good to see how the artist curates his work - combining similar sculptural elements in wall reliefs that appear more like paintings.

use of graffiti - relates back to urban aesthetic

useful to explore my own work and use of assemblages - how I can build dialogues between different pieces of work and strands of research ...



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