Ana Rutter – Looking at Dyffryn House and Gardens – a site for speculative research
Practice research PHD – constructing of effective sound art
Iterative methodology
Approach – viewed from multiple viewpoints – world around – encounter of interest and excitement
Interested in finding sites and exploring them – activities within them – collected information about businesses that existed on a street
What is it that makes a space? – not as a documentation of place but as a sharing of experience
Provides a space for viewers to bring their own space to encounter
Spaces that are personal and close – desk – garden
2017 -2019 – visits to National trust property – revisiting – multiple viewpoints – how things happened or changed – work in a space in a reorientated manner – continued development
Looking at macro and micro – layered and iterative – unpicking practice through approaches and methodologies
New materialist – finding a location that has something interesting happening – heuristic approach
Interested in effect and encounter – Spinoza – things we feel but are not feelings – things that sit on the edge of language
Trying to pin something down but are fleeting –
importance of gathering – permeability. Deleuze – spaces
recorded different areas – different times of day – met and talked to different people involved in the space e.g., gardeners, volunteers
Series of empty spaces – spaces that are not clear in their use
Developed research into book – process of revisiting the materials
Find a site of possibilities for affect and response – everyday things that remind us of other experiences
Small interventions in a landscape
Very speculative work – dint know how or if it would be useful
Looking at archive of the space – history of the use of the site – the ownership – events that occurred
Photographed and sound recorded particular spaces – overgrown and forgotten spaces
Thinking of non-human users of the space
The permeability of spaces
Very subjected process – in response to personal responses to sound, colour, space
How sounds interact and move through spaces – permeable boundaries – areas between environments – seepage and slippage and sound
Considering of what the spaces have heard and might hear
Masumi’s seeping edges – essay
Linked with memory and encounter – things on periphery of vision – glimpsed and partly seen
Foreground and background in images and audio – shift in focus of images
Time based relationship we have with sound – how sound relates to memory Brian Massumi
Using a book as a way of understanding the knowledge captured – the book being speculative
Sense of exploring – excitement of discovery – own response to materials
Bodily responses to feeling of being in another place
Audio can make you feel like you are somewhere else
Ever changing and shifting of stuff – seepage and slippage between stuff
Installation of work - exploring video work – projection/blackout space – mix of printed spaces and audio
It is interesting to see a practitioners work who creates from an immediate interest in site, aesthetic, sound - a mixture of aural and visual data that directly interests the artist. Work can be seen as less about a particular context (although supported by academic research) and more about an interest to capture and explore a specific materiality - sound.
Within my own work I find that I am engaged in exploring specific materiality - and create work through a very process drive - practical method of research.